The Bee Hive

“The Bee Hive” title comes from the picture we imagine when bees are swarming around a hive. The hive is generally made with a thick shell for protection just like our brain is protected by our cranium. The bees in this parable represent the thoughts coming to our mind. Generally, speaking the bees swarming the hive will come in and out of the hive at various time and for various reasons. The thoughts coming into and out of our mind are crucial to our survival because we thrive on the good thoughts of God to live. There are certain bees that act as protectors to the bee colony with the mindset to attack unwanted intruders. Likewise, we must cast down imaginations and reasoning’s that are contrary to God’s Word. We too have certain thoughts that are produced by the Holy Spirit to protect us from the fiery darts of the evil one. Another team of bees go out and gather certain ingredients for production like pollen. We too have other thoughts that lead to deeper truths to set us free in our spiritual production center (our heart and soul). Inside of the hive is where the real production takes place because this is where the bees make the honey. Likewise, inside of our heart (and soul) is where the real production of God’s love takes place also. Within our thought life we receive instructions for direction from God with a better understanding of who He Is (worship and praise). Even learning in school requires study and memorization to grasp the complete picture just like we must study the Holy Bible to truly grasp just who God Is. Another important aspect of the hive is the reproduction of other bees. We could refer to this as the life center for the bees where the queen bee (the fertile bee) resides. We also produce new life from within although we don’t have a queen bee in our heart we have someone much better. This someone is the Holy Spirit who is the birthing agent for all the born-again children of God. Yes, as the bees represent thoughts we could also expound that thoughts are always expressions of words to us this would be Jesus, the Holy Word of God. We must keep the Word of God coming into our hive and coming out of our hive. We also notice that bees are very aggressive when someone or something (animals included) is threatening the safety of the hive. Your words and thoughts too should be very aggressive in defending the faith of Christ to keep our communion with God holy and pure. We cannot afford to think evil when the Lord is always thinking good within us. A double minded man is unstable and the man of two minds receives nothing from the Lord. We must purpose to think like Jesus by keeping His Word in our spirit, our soul and our mouth. We also notice that the colony of bees all live in the hive just like the totality of our thoughts all reside in one spot. Yes, God can add thoughts to us but we must allow them entrance to come into our mind (our soul, our heart, our being, our inner man). We (ihlcc) also know that the larger the colony of bees the larger the hive because no bee goes homeless in a colony. We too, must harvest all our godly thoughts such that no good thought is abandon by us or non-productive. Truly, one good thought could lead to a new revelation that God is trying to establish in your life or even better yet in the world. So the next time you think of “The Bee Hive” think about the thoughts of your mind and purpose to keep it holy and pure, so that only Christian bees fly around your mind. Christian bees only produce and protect the honey of love as their calling in life because Jesus is their Lord just like He is our Awesome Lord and Savoir. Amen!